Friday 5 March 2010

✴ spring is bursting out all over...

Image here 

Oh the day is glorious. The sun is shining and bathing us in a warm welcome glow. The sky is so blue the sailor may even get a new hat let alone a pair of trousers and the garden is green and bursting with new life. Yes friends, Spring is here!
Alas, so too is chicken pox.
The little one is oh so poorly with the pox. Poor thing, poor thing.
I'm taking comfort in the many comments of 'best to get it out of the way' etc, etc.
So it's Calpol, Calamine, Cbeebies and Confinement for us.
Oh, and Chocolate.
Ponderings of the perfect pudding to delight and amaze the postponed dinner party guests.
Hhmm... Chocolate pudding and spring flower plant pots. Love it!

Recipe at Martha Stewart.

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear, poor Little One, chicken pox is no fun, no, not at all. But how lovely to be bathed in warm spring sunshine whilst we are lost in early autumn clouds. So much rain *sigh* but at least our water tank is full to the brim :)
