Monday, 21 April 2014

indoor hunting

I felt like I should have been more excited, and more prepared for Easter than I actually was this year.
But the constant pouring rain all day on Easter sunday put pay to any sort of springy outdoor pursuits and summed up the mood of this week so far.

After several long days and nights of coughs, sniffles and high temperatures from the two littlies and utter exhaustion for us it’s a wonder we even pulled off any sort of Easter joy. But we did. Kind of subdued and bleary eyed but lovely none the less.

An egg hunt was quickly diverted to the indoors…because the Easter Bunny really doesn’t like to get his paws wet. I made the bags the night before and thank goodness for Sukie Iron-On transfers because they can prettify anything quite quickly and if I’m honest I’m getting a bit obsessed with them, so watch this space...

A bit of Easter crafting, an afternoon film, a roast, a crumble and an abundance of chocolate.

Happy Easter!

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